Did You Know? Anything that adds value to readers' life is ”CONTENT” and your major concern as a Content Writer should be to own quality time in your customer's inbox.
NB: People want to learn before spending their money (before they buy), so be educated instead of pitched.
Carefully follow me as I walk you through a few strategies for content marketing. Let's go...
WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS: A very important question, what are your reasons for doing content marketing? Is it to enhance customers' experience? Or you want to build relationships? Or get leads?
Whatever your content marketing goals are, ensure they are checkable especially for the long term and they are connecting to your company's goals, mission, and vision. Stick to two-four business goals maximum and document them to enhance a focused and clear strategy.
BE DIFFERENT: There are massive amounts of content, and more are been published on a daily basis. So what will you create in your content marketing program to set your company apart from the red ocean market?
Let me make it easier here, your content must be useful, it must motivate and inspire your readers, and above all, it must be educating and entertaining. If you can put all of these in one-box then you will have a completely unique brand message, which will, in turn, distinguish your company.
STUDY YOUR AUDIENCE: Most marketers make the mistake of not defining their audience before they own it.
Ensure to interview your customers to find out more about their demographics, habits, and preferences. You must come to this realization that ”You are not your audience. So you must focus on their needs, motivations and not yours.”
EVALUATE YOUR CONTENT PERFORMANCE: This act will help you to understand what type of content is connecting with your audience, as well as determine what pieces to generate next. This idea brings about your audience giving you a clear signal on what attracts their interest the most, making it easier for you to come up with new and intriguing content.
- User Behavior:Unique visitors, pages per session, bounce rate.
- Engagement:Likes, comments, shares, mentions.
- SEO Results: Organic traffic, dwell time, backlinks
- Company Revenue:Number of leads, existing leads affected, conversion rate.
CREATE A CONTENT CALENDAR: Aside from your content strategy, you'll need to know when to publish your content on the platforms you want to use.
Know this today that, ”Lack of planning is a key Content Marketing Mistake, ” so it's paramount you use a ”Content Calendar” to get all content scheduled. E.g; you can use Google Calendar and simply key in the due dates for each piece of content. That works well and very easy to use.
I trust these tips to help you get started on leveling up your content efforts.
Let me know in the comments your thoughts, and if you have any other strategy.
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